Group Coaching

I provide group coaching online and in person. You can enrol as an individual in a programme outlined below or request a group for your workplace or community setting. Group coaching enables individuals with shared experience or characteristic to learn through and with each other. So the focus of the groups could include: wellbeing in the workplace, wellbeing at menopause or returning to work (after maternity leave or illness).

Below you will find details of group coaching programmes offered. Please get in touch to book a place on a group and if:

  • You would like group or team coaching in your workplace, community or health setting

  • You would like to ask for lower cost place

  • You would like to attend a group, but the dates offered don’t suit you.

Online group coaching

  • Wellbeing for Educators Group (Online - October & November 2024)

    This six session online group coaching programme supports those working in education to feel better and function better. It will build capacity to thrive in the school year ahead by learning through and from a group of peers. The next group will take place on Tuesdays 6.30-8pm on the following dates: 8th October, 15th October, 22nd October, 5th November (tbc), 12th November and 19th November 2024.

    It will cost £150 per person for all six sessions with a sliding scale available for those who need it.

  • Wellbeing at Menopause Group (Online - November & December 2024)

    This six session online small group, coaching programme supports those experiencing perimenopause and menopause to explore how they think and feel at a time of transition and uncertainty and improve their wellbeing. This group will take place Wednesdays 6.30-8pm on the following dates: 6th November, 13th November, 20th November, 27th November, 4th December and 11th December 2024.

    It will cost £150 per person for all six sessions, with a sliding scale available for those who need it.

  • Wellbeing for those leading whole school approaches to equality and PSHE

    This online group is for individuals working in local authorities, third sector organisations, businesses or for themselves and lead and support in the delivery of relationships, sex and health education and equality in the education sector.

    The purpose of the group is to support wellbeing and effectiveness and reduce stress and burnout.

    Dates tbc. Please get in touch to make an expression of interest.

In person group coaching

  • Wellbeing at Menopause Group (East Brighton)

    This six session group coaching programme supports those experiencing perimenopause and menopause to feel better and function better. It is run in partnership with Wellsborne Healthcare CIC the next group will take place in September or October 2024.

    It is for residents of East Brighton.

Feedback from participants on group coaching programmes